Organic / Sustainable

Organic hoodies are manufactured to the same production standards as all our organic clothing ranges. Made with raw materials that are free from herbicides, pesticides or genetically modified seeds organic clothing is a garment that has as close a link to a naturally produced product as possible. Many people are becoming increasingly concerned about where their clothing comes from and what processes it has gone through by the time it has reached them. The need to be able to identify the source of a product has moved on from food to clothing and with the increase in social media and the internet people can obtain the information they require to make an informed choice about what they wear. This attitude is a prevalent in the young as in any section of society which is why organic hoodies as a clothing garment have grown so rapidly in popularity over recent years. JKL Clothing are proud of its achievement in bringing our customers an organic choice when it comes to clothing and will be looking to add to their range in the coming years.

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